mardi 25 octobre 2016

Tunisians Stage Anti-Saudi Rally

TUNIS (Tasnim) – A group of civil rights activists and representatives of Tunisian political parties held a protest rally in Tunis to condemn the Saudi-led military campaign against Yemen, which has led to the deaths of hundreds of civilians in the past 18 months.

Chanting “Death to Al Saud” and “Death to Israel”, the demonstrators demanded that Tunisia’s government condemn the Saudi-led attacks on Yemen and urge Riyadh to stop the war.
The protesters also held the Saudi and Israeli regimes accountable for the killing of Muslims and destruction of infrastructures of Islamic countries, saying the ulterior purpose is disintegration of countries in the Middle East to serve the US objectives and ensure the security of Israel.

Those attending the rally also carried flags of Syria and Palestine and signs in support of the Lebanese anti-Israeli resistance movement.
In a final statement, the demonstrators voiced deep concern about medicine shortages in Yemeni hospitals, calling on the international community to take immediate action to halt the Saudi-led war on Yemen.

Since March 2015, Saudi Arabia and some of its Arab allies have been launching airstrikes against the Houthi Ansarullah movement in an attempt to restore power to the fugitive former President Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi, a close ally of Riyadh.
According to UN estimates, over 10,000 Yemenis, including 4,000 women and children, have lost their lives in the military campaign.
On October 8 alone, Saudi-led warplanes killed over 140 people and injured more than 600 others in an airstrike on a crowded funeral ceremony in Sana’a.

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